File Archive

File download


File size:
87 424 bytes (85.38K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 183


      ______._______   ___.___   .____.  /  \   ______  _____________
      \__   ¦   __  )_/_  |   \__l ---'-/.  ·\__\__   \/  _  \   __  )___
  _ _   /---'   \      /  !    \_ ¯¯)  · |   \\   /    \  ___/   \      /
    (____________\____/_________/_____/__l     \_______/__________\____/

                                f  r  o  m

         .           .         _                         .         .
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                       :            :                           /
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           _/l____   _/l____.___)\_  ._____. _/l______    _/l____
         __\ __   \__\ ____/|  __ /__|     |_\ ___   / .__\ __   \
        /   \//    \  \/_/--l___\/   \     |  \/_/__/__:   \//    \
      _/    _/      \   \      /      \_   |    \_     |    /      \_ _ _
      \ ____________/__ _ _/\  _ _ ___ /___l____       ¦__ /________//
       \/                    \/      \/        `-------' \/

                                                      _ ____
        .____    ___.    _________ _____      .___         / .    ____
     ___|_   \  /   |---\\__ ____//    / _____|_  \       /--|  _/  _/_
    /   |/    \/    |    \/ \/  \/    /--\    l/   \     /   |--\_._   \
   /    l\     \    !     \_     \_  /    \_  /     \_  /\   l_   l/    \_
   \___________/___________/______/________/__»\_____/  /\____/__________/
                      fRIENDS aT tHE fUCKIN cRIMEsCENE!

                                  a  n  d

                             ::.                .
                              :::             .::
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                             .::  ::.    ..:: ::
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         |    \__      _/  |      |/  .__|_\_.   :¼\_. :|    |/     |
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         |:    |     : |   :  |  °|   :  |   |   :  °| :|    |       ª|
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         |     |     : |   :  |   |   : _|   |   :___|_:l_ _ |       :|
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 .____ _ _/____.     :_|______l_ _    l_     |       | l_____________\_ __.
 |             `-------'               /_____|       |                    |
 |                                           `-------'                    |
 |.             -    w   E     a   R   e     h   U   G   e    -           |
 |l_ _                                                                    |

                         p  r  e  s  e  n  t  s

                           ____. _____   _______
                  ÷--- - ._\_ _|/    / _(_ __  _)_ - ---÷
                  : k 8  |    \.   _/ (   ____    ) k 8 :
                  ÷--- - +-----l_____\ \_________/ - ---÷

     _.----------------------[ short info! ]---------------------._
    |o|                                                          |o|
    ¦o| Well.. This is a just a fastmade colly, i did it just in |o|
    |o| order to get  all these requests sent away in time! Also |o|
    |o| i have  to encourage  Roadhogs to  continue doing  their |o|
    |o| fantastic mag - the Art^mag! Great work dudes!           |o|
    lo|                                               - Janne k8 |o|

                     -   t  O  D  A  Y  s   m  E  N  u   -

 | LOGO NAME:                  |o| REQUESTED BY:                        |
 |0-day intros^mags etc.       |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |1/2 Legal                    |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Aai                          |o| Anti/Infect                          |
 |Abstract desc.               |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Artwork                      |o| Trasher/Sanity^Artwork               |
 |Artwork add                  |o| Trasher/Sanity^Artwork               |
 |Artwork desc.                |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Behemoth                     |o| Xcluziwe/Dzain                       |
 |Best PD tools                |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Bethong                      |o| Kerosene/?!?                         |
 |Bethong desc.                |o| Kerosene/?!?                         |
 |Bibi                         |o| Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky |
 |Black jack desc.             |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Bomb add                     |o| Trasher/Sanity^Artwork               |
 |Cashaw                       |o| Cashaw/?!?                           |
 |Chip tunes                   |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Classical demos^mags         |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Coders area                  |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Cool corona 1                |o| Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky |
 |Cool corona 2                |o| Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky |
 |Cosmic circus                |o| Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot            |
 |Dave                         |o| Dave/Vacuum                          |
 |Digital poems                |o| Anti/Infect                          |
 |D.i.s.c support              |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Epsilon design               |o| Fatal/Obscene^Epsilon design^G-style |
 |Fatal                        |o| Fatal/Obscene^Epsilon design^G-style |
 |Flash 1                      |o| Anti/Infect                          |
 |Flash 2                      |o| Anti/Infect                          |
 |Focus design desc.           |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Forgotten worlds             |o| Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky |
 |Friends                      |o| Xcluziwe/Dzain                       |
 |Frosen assets 1              |o| Neptune/Outlaws                      |
 |Frosen assets 2              |o| Neptune/Outlaws                      |
 |G!                           |o| Gangsta/Scoopex                      |
 |G-force                      |o| Fatal/Obscene^Epsilon design^G-style |
 |Gangsta                      |o| Gangsta/Scoopex                      |
 |Gangsta small                |o| Gangsta/Scoopex                      |
 |Garden dwarfs desc.          |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Generations ahead            |o| Gangsta/Scoopex                      |
 |Gods internal                |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Gravedancer                  |o| Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot            |
 |HC Anderssons raveclubz      |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Intel outside                |o| Hysteric/Ramjam                      |
 |Mass appeal                  |o| Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky |
 |Menu                         |o| Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky |
 |Muff busters desc.           |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Mystery land 1               |o| Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky |
 |Mystery land 2               |o| Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky |
 |Nah kolor 1                  |o| Qba/Trsi                             |
 |Nah kolor 2                  |o| Qba/Trsi                             |
 |Neptune                      |o| Neptune/Outlaws                      |
 |Neutron 1                    |o| Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot            |
 |Neutron 2                    |o| Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot            |
 |Neutron desc.                |o| Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot            |
 |Nine design                  |o| Hasslan/Nine design                  |
 |Obscene                      |o| Fatal/Obscene^Epsilon design^G-force |
 |Oxygene desc.                |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Pastagan design desc.        |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Perception desc.             |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Private                      |o| Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky |
 |Procyon desc.                |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Pump                         |o| Dave/Vacuum                          |
 |Requests                     |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Riot internal                |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |S.a.g.k-a                    |o| Anti/Infect                          |
 |Sanity                       |o| Trasher/Sanity^Artwork               |
 |Save our souls               |o| Xcluziwe/Dzain                       |
 |Saviour desc.                |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Scoopex                      |o| Gangsta/Scoopex                      |
 |Scx                          |o| Gangsta/Scoopex                      |
 |Seenpoint support            |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Shoot                        |o| Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot            |
 |Shoot desc.                  |o| Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot            |
 |Silicon desc.                |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Sos                          |o| Xcluziwe/Dzain                       |
 |Sudden sex                   |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Superiors                    |o| Webster/Passion                      |
 |Superiors desc.              |o| Webster/Passion                      |
 |Sysop                        |o| Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky |
 |Tesko desc.                  |o| Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 |
 |Thread                       |o| Webster/Passion                      |
 |Thread desc.                 |o| Webster/Passion                      |
 |Undoubted fantasies          |o| Xcluziwe/Dzain                       |
 |Vacuum                       |o| Dave/Vacuum                          |
 |Vcm                          |o| Dave/Vacuum                          |
 |World of elite               |o| Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky |

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || 0-day intros,mags etc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods        || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

 .------ -_________- --------- -___________________________\       /- -----.
 |      _/    _    \_  _ ___  __\______   \________  _/     \    _/_       |
 |      \     /     / /____/  \       /    /      `-   \______,  __/       |
 |       \_________/           \-cDr-.____/---e^d-\_____\---._____\        |
 |                                                                         |
 |   . ___ _|_  ___  ___   __   /  _ _  ____  ___   __    ____ _|_   ___   |
 |  ( l   ) l_,l   '(___)__)   /  ( ! )(___(_(___|__)    (___/_ l__,(____  |
 |                            /                  l                         |

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || 1/2 Legal - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                     || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                     _ ________     /   /   ______
                .-----\\____   \_  /   / ___\___  \_- ------.
                |         /     / /   / /  ________/_       |
                |        /     / /   / /____________/       |
            ____|___    /-----/ /___/                   ____|___
          ._\_     /____________________________________\_     /___
          |      _/    \______    / ______/________  _/      _/    \
          `-----:_______\  _/____/_  \_      /    `-   \----:_______\
                |   +-----._______/--.______/-----\_____\   |
                |                                           |

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Aai - Anti/Infect                                    || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                  ___________   ___________  ___________
          _ __ ___\______  _/___\______  _/__\         /___ __ _
              \\        `-   \        `-   \  \_______/   //

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Abstract desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

   _______________\_______   __________\____
+-/  \___ _/ __/_____ /__ \_/  \  __/_____ /
:/    \ (_  \___ \  \/ _/ _/    \ \  \   \/:
+-cDr-------[ p r e s e n t s ]--------e^d-+

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Artwork - Trasher/Sanity^Artwork                     || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

     .      _ _____|     |_____ _                                        .-.
  - -÷----- -\\_____     _____//- ---->  a  R  T  W  O  R  k  <-------- -:-'
     :cDr    ______!     |__________                                     ·
     :    .__\___  :\_ ._\_  \    _/_________        ____. _____   /\ /\
   __:____|__  _/  :_/ |     /\   ._\______  \_    ._\_ _|/    /  (_·Y·_)
___\_____ `-/--\___:__\`-:----\___|__\  \/  __/____|_   \.   _/   ( ·¡· )
\       `-   \     !_____!        `----.__._\/____ `-\---l_____\   \/|\/
 \---:--\_____\                           |     _/   _/           _  |  _
  - -÷---------->   1   9   9   5   <----.`-e^d-\______\          \\ | //
     :                                   `------.____ _ _______ ___\\!//_

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Artwork add - Trasher/Sanity^Artwork                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

    _________         _____/\_____
  ._\_____ _/_________\ ________ /
  |      `-  \_____  \_\/      \/
  `-cDr--\____\  _/  _/-----e^d-\
  ___..___  `----\_____\  ____. ____
._\_ || _/________________\_ _|/   /
|    /\   \_____ \_____  \_  \.  _/
`-----\____\ \/   /  _/  _/---l____\

    __    TRASHER / ARTWORK    __
   _\/_     Oliver Plink      _\/_
   \/\/    Im Kirchen. 6      \/\/
          W-891 55 Erbach 2

    ...Only the best can survive!

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Artwork desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

+--___________/\___  _..______________. ___+
: /   \___ \__  __/ / || \ __ \__ \_ _|/  /:
:/_____\_/ _/____\ /__/\__\___/_/ _/_\  _/ :
+-cDr/e^d\___\- a r t w o r k - \___\ \___\+

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Behemoth - Xcluziwe/Dzain                            || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

            _____________.----.____________  /\______________/\____
   _________\_____   /  _|    |_____   /   \/  \_______  \_______ /__.----.
 ._\____ _/___ _/___/_  \.    |  _/___/_   \/   \   \/    /     \/  _|    |
 |     (__   /_______/---l____|-.______/---/_____\--.____/-----:-\  \.    |
 `-cDr-.____/  -    b    e    h    e    m    o    t    h    -  +-e^d-l____|

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Best PD tools - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                         |____  _____    ___ _|_
              .------- - l____)(____/____)    l___, - -------.
              |             ____________________             |
              |          ___\_____     )_____   \_           |
              |          \      /_____/     /    /           |
             _|___/\_____ \--------+----._______/ ________   |
           ._\ _________/_________________________\  ____/___|__
           |  \/     /______  \________  \_      /_\________   /
           `--:---:-/    \/    /    \/    /    _/    \________/
              |   `-----._____/----._____/----._______\      |
              |                                              |

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Bethong - Kerosene/?!?                               || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                          _ _
     ________\_____    /________ /   _|    |_______  \_  \   _/_________
   ._\___ _/___ _/____/_       \/    \.    |    \/    / \ \     / _____/__
   |    (__   /-.______/-cDr----\-e^d-l____|----.____/---\_____/  \_     /
   `---._____/                                               `----._____/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Bethong desc. - Kerosene/?!?                         || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

+--- -________/\_____.--.____________- ----+
:  ___\_ ___/_____ /_|  |____\_ \  _/____  :
:._\_ _/ _/  /   \/ \.  | \/  / \\   /__/  :
:|  (_  \---/-----\--l__|-.__/---\__/ \_ \ :
+`-cDr---\ - b  E  T  H  O  N  g - `--e^d-\+

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Bibi - Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky          || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

      __                                                             __
     _\/_      _________    _________   _________    _________      _\/_
     \/\/    ._\_____ _/____\_______/_._\_____ _/____\_______/_.    \/\/
      ||     |cDr  (__    /           |     (__    /        e^d|     ||
  _ _\||/__ _!___________/____________!___________/____________!_ __\||/_ _

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Black jack desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods              || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

.-------- -_____  _______________- --------.
:  _______/    /__\____ _/ _____/____. ____:
:._\___ _/   _/  \    `-  \ \    \  _|/   /:
:|   (__  \-------\---\____\----:-\ \.  _/ :
+`-cDr-----\ ÷ J ÷ A ÷ C ÷ K ÷  +e^d-l____\+

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Bomb add - Trasher/Sanity^Artwork                    || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

     *      _
     `-._.-' :
  ______   oOOOo ___ ____  ______
._\__ _/_ OO' `OO   Y  _/__\__ _/_
|   (__  \OO   OO  \ /   \   (__  \
l_________OO. .OO___Y_____\________\

             B a n g !

           TRASHER / BOMB
            Oliver Plink
           Im Kirchen. 6
          W-891 55 Erbach 2

    ...Only the best can survive!

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Cashaw - Cashaw/?!?                                  || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

     _________         ______  _____.-----.            _______
   ._\_ _____/___    _/ ____/_|__  _|     |        ____\    _/_____
   |     \   ___/____\______  : /  \.   __|________\_   \         /
   `----.__._\_/____  _/______+/----l_._\_|___  _/      /\       /
           |       `-   \             |      `-   \------\      /
           `-cDr---\_____\            `-e^d--\_____\      \    /
                                                           \  /

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Chip tunes - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                    || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

     .-------------------- -___________- ---- -------------------------÷- -
   __:___          .________\____     /                  __________    :
 _/ ____/_____.----:______/    /_____/       ____________\_____   /____:_
 \   \     / _|    |       \------+      ____\_   \   _/___ _/___/_ ____/___
  \--:____/  \.    |--------\ ____/\_____\   _/  \ \      /_______/----.   /
     :  +-cDr-l____|       ___\ _______/  \    \--\      /      +----.____/
     :                     \   \/   /----.______\  \    /              :
  - -÷----------- - ------- \-e^d--/- ------------ -\--/---------------'
     :                                               \/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Classical demos,mags - Ghandy/Progress^Gods          || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

      :    _______________________________________________________   :
   ___:___:     /_______ _/  ____/  ____/______ /. _____/______ _/___:___
 ._\_ ____/   _/   /   `-  \---.  \---.  \    \/ |  \    \    `-  \     /___
 |    \    \-.____/----\____\-.____\-.____\------'--._____\---\____\  _/   /
 `----:_____\                                                    +---:____/
      :                                                              :
      :     ___| ____  _ _  ___   __   /\    _ _  ____  ___    __    :
      :    (___l(___/_( ! )(___)__)         ( ! )(___(_(___| __)     :
      :                                                    l         :

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Coders area - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                   || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

        __________\_______  \_______   \______    /_____  \_________
      ._\_ _____/___   \/    /     /    /  _/____/_   _/  _/  _____/____
      |    \       /---.____/----._____/---.______/---\_____\-----.    /
      `----.______/                                       +-----._____/
               ___________                         ___________
             ._\______  _/_________________________\______  _/
             |       `-   \______   \_______     /       `-   \
             `-cDr---\_____\   _/   _/   _/_____/_-e^d---\_____\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Cool corona 1 - Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                ____________\_______  \________  \_______
               _\_ _______/__    \/    /    \/    /     /____
              /     \       /---._____/----._____/    _/     \
             /-cDr--.______/                   +-e^d-.________\
       __________                                          ____________
      _\_ ______/__________________________________________\_______  _/
     /     \      /______  \______   \________  \_   \_   \_      `-   \
    /------._____/    \/    /   _/   _/    \/    /    /    /------\_____\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Cool corona 2 - Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                          _______      - oUTLAWs dHq ^ oVERLORDs wHq -
              ________   /       \         _______
            _/ ______/__/_       _\_____  _\_    /___ nODe0:+31-50-LO-CAL!
            \   \      /_/______/ _\    \/     _/    \ nODe1:+31-50-3134058
             \--._______/cDr/ed/        /\___ ________\ nODe2:+31-50-ASK-IT!
                   _______    /___________\    ________
        _______   /       \          _______  _\____   \_  _______
      _/ _____/__/_        \________/       \/    /     /__\___   \_
      \   \     /_/_______._\____  /\_      /\___/     /     _/    /
       \--.______/        |    _/ . _/_ ______\ /_____/___________/
                       - -÷----\______\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Cosmic circus - Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot            || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                  /\                        . __ .
      ______ ____/__\_________   _/\  _____ :_\/_:______       sHOOt eHq
    _/ ____/_\  /    \  / ___/____  \/   _/_|\/\/| ____/____ nEUTROn wHq
    \   \     \/      \/_____    /  \/      :/   |  \      / pRODIGy gHq
     \--._____/\      /\________/____\      X    |--._____/ iLLUSIOn wHq
             /__\____/__\             \    /|____|        _:__ _   _
                 \  /                  \  /                |       /
                  \/         . __ .     \/                 |      /
                    _______  :_\/_: _________  _______ ____|_    /____
                  _/ _____/__|\/\/|_\___    /_/ _____/_\__ |    / ___/____
                  \   \      :/   :   _/  _/_\__ \      \/ !   /_____    /
                   \--.______X    :___\        /-.______/\    /_________/
                          cDr!____!e^d \      /           \  /
                                        \    /             \/
                                         \  /

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Dave - Dave/Vacuum                                   || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                                        |       /
               _________________________|      /__________
             ._\_____   \_______  _/    |     /_____     /
             |      /    /     `-   \   !    /   _/_____/_
             `-cDr-.____/-e^d--\_____\      /----._______/
                                      \    /
                                       \  /

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Digital poems - Anti/Infect                          || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                                            _ _
       _________\______ /. _____/_______ /._______ /_____ _/________
     ._\____   \_     \/ |  \_     /   \/ |      \/     `-  \      /___
     |     /    /-cDr----'--._____/-------'-------\-e^d-\____\   _/    \
     +----.____/                                           +----._______\
            ____________                               _________
          ._\_____     /_________________________  ____\_ _____/____
          |     /_____/______  \_______     /    \/    _/-----.    /
          `--------+      \/    /   _/_____/_    \/      \--._____/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || D.i.s.c support - Ghandy/Progress^Gods               || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                  __________\_______ /. ______/__________
               ___\_____   \_      \/ |-----.   \ ______/___
               \       /    /---------'----._____\ \       /
      ________  \----._____/                   +---.______/  _____/\_____
    _/ ______/______.________________________________________\_________ /
    `------.    /   |   _/______     /__     /_____  \______   \_     \/
   /-cDr--.____/    !     \   /_____/ /_____/   \/    /   _/   _/--e^d-\
             +-----._______\-----+- -----+------.____/----\______\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Epsilon design - Fatal/Obscene^Epsilon design^G-force|| |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

      ________         _______    ____  _____      _______   _________
    _(_____   )________) _____)__(____)_)    )____(____   )_(_    )  _)_
    )   _/___/    _  (_______   )      (    (   (    (   (     ( (      )
   (__________)  (____)________(________)________)________)_____)______(
      cDr/e^d|    |  ________  _______    ____   _______     _________
         ____| _  |_(_____   )_) _____)__(____)__) _____)___(_    )  _)_
         ) _____) |    _/___/________   )      (   (_     (    ( (      )

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Fatal - Fatal/Obscene^Epsilon design^G-force         || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                    __________                    ________
               _ .__\_ ______/__     _      ______\_     /__. _
            _ | ||     ___/     \_____\____/     \     _/   || | _
          .|_||_||______|/       \_______ /       \_________||_||_|.
                     cDr/_________\     \/_________\e^d
                                _ _______\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Flash 1 - Anti/Infect                                || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

             _________:_      /________  _/  ______/______.----.
           ._\_  ______/    _/   \    `-   \------.  \   _|    |
           |     ____/-----.______\---\_____\---._____\  \.    |
           `-cDr--+                                 +-e^d-l____|

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Flash 2 - Anti/Infect                                || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

      - -÷---------------- - --------- ---->
         :           ._______       ________    ____._____          ^
         :      _____|___   /___    \  ____/___|__  |_  _/_____     :
      _ _:__ ___\_ _____/ _/  __\____\________ : /  _/        /     :
         :  \\    ____/_______\__\___  _/______!/___\        /      :
         :   \\______\  cDr\        `-     /e^d      \      /       :
         `---.____ _ _____  \-------\_____/  .------ -\-^--/- ------÷- -
                          `---------._____.--'         \  /         :

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Focus design desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods            || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

.------ -___________________.____- -- -----.
:  ______\_____  \_ ____/__ |  _/_______   :
:._\_ ____/  \/   / \     / !    \  ___/_  :
:|   ___/----.___/--.____/--------\---.  \ :
+`cDr-+  d   e   s   i   g   n   +-e^d.___\+

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Forgotten worlds - Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex    || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

    _______\______ \____  \_ ____/________ \______ /_____ / ____/________
  ._\_ _____/  \/   / _/  _/  \_    /  \/   /    \/     \/ ___/   / \__  \_
  |    ___/---.____/--\_____\-.____/--.____/------\------\--.____/   /    /
  +-cDr-+                                                      +----/____/
            ___..____                                   ________
          ._\_ ||  _/___________________________________\   ___/____
          |    /\    \_______  \_____  \_     /________  \______   /
          `-e^d-\_____\   \/    /  _/  _/   _/   \    /   /_______/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Friends - Xcluziwe/Dzain                             || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                      ._ __ _.
        __________    : _\/_ :____________          ______________
     ___\_ ______/____|_\/\/_!______     /__________\____  \_ ___/_____
     \    _____/___   \_     |   _/_____/_  \   _/__    /   /______   /
      \-cDr-:    _/   _/     |--.________/ \ \     /_______/_________/
            `----/______\    |        +-e^d-\_____/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Frosen assets 1 - Neptune/Outlaws                    || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

          _________\_____  \_______  \_ _____/_______    /_________
        ._\_  ______/  _/  _/   \/    /-----.   / _/____/_   \   _/__
        |     ____/----\_____\-._____/----.____/_________/  \ \     /
        `-cDr--+                                       `-e^d-\_____/
          __________                                 _   _________
        ._\_____  _/__________________________________\__\_ _____/___
        |      `-   \  _____/___ ____/_______    /_______ /-----.   /
        `------\_____\-----.   /----.   / _/____/_      \/----.____/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Frosen assets 2 - Neptune/Outlaws                    || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

               ___________              ______ ._\_____   __/________
             ._\ __ _____/____        _/ ____/_|__  _/___:_/_  \   _/_____
             |  \/ ____/___   \_______\______  `-/-._____:__/ \ \        /
             `-cDr--+    _/   _/______ _________/        !_____\ \      /
     _________      `----/______\  \/    /  _____/\_____        \      /
  .__\____  _/   ______       `---._____/ ._\ ________ /______   \    /
  |      `-   \_/ ____/____      _________|__\/      \/ _____/___ \  /
  `------\_____\______  __/___ ._\_____   `-/-----e^d-\_______   \_\/
              \________/_/___/_|__  _/_____/_        ·       /    /
                     _\______  `-/-.________/         \    \/    /
                     \__________/                      \        /

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || G! - Gangsta/Scoopex                                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

          __________ |     |
.----- -__\_ ______/_|__   |-------.
|gANGSTa\     \_     : /   |sCOOPEx|

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || G-force - Fatal/Obscene^Epsilon design^G-force       || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

               ^               ________________                ^
    ·          :            ___\_  ___________/___             :        ·
 < -÷----------÷--------- - \       \_           / - ----------÷--------÷- >
    ·         _:_________    \-cDr--.___________/    __________:_       ·
            ._\_  ______/____________________________\_____     /
            |    _____/______  \______   \_ _______/    _/_____/_
            `--e^d--+     \/    /   _/   _/  \      \--.________/
               :    `----._____/----\______\--.______\         :
               :                                               :
            - -÷-------------[   1   9   9   5   ]-------------÷- -
               :                                               :

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Gangsta - Gangsta/Scoopex                            || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                      _  ___ _____:_ _                         .
    _________    ______    _______: ________ _______     ______:_______\_
  ._\_ _____/___/      \___\__    |_\_ ____/_\_ ___/_____\ ______/      \
  |     \_     /        \    /    |    \_     /_____   /  \/   |/        \
  +-cDr-._____/__________\__/     |-ed-._____/________/________!__________\
                                 -÷-------- ---  -

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Gangsta small - Gangsta/Scoopex                      || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

       _  /\_______________/\___
  ____/ \/  \  \ ___/  __/_  __/_
_/___/.  \  \\  \\_  \--. \   \/ \
\ \_  |___\--\___\____\____\___\  \
 \____|cDr                e^d/_____\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Garden dwarfs desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods           || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

 ____\_____ _/_____ \_____ \____   /__  ___.
|  ___/   `-  \  _/ _/   /  /_/___/_  \|cDr|
|  \_  \--\____\-\____\____/_______/ \ \ ed|
!_______\ -  d  w  a  r  f  s  - `----\____!

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Generations ahead - Gangsta/Scoopex                  || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

      _________/\___________________________/\___\    /_____/\_____
 _____\_____  /  \  _/_____  /___ \_____ _/_____ /\__/.____\_ \  _/______
.\_ ___/ _/__/_  \\   \ _/__/_ _/ _/   `-  \   \/     | \/  / \\   \ ___/___
|   \_  \_____/---\____\_____/-\____\--\____\---\-----'-.__/---\____\--.   /
`--._____\   __________                                _________ +---.____/
     _ __ ___\_____  _/____.----.______________________\______  \_ __ _
         \\       `-   \  _|    |_____     /______  _/       /   //
          \\-cDr--\_____\ \.    |  _/_____/_     `-   \---._____//

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Gods internal - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                __________\_______   \_______    \________
              ._\_ _____/___   \/     /     /     / _____/____
              |     \_     /---._____/-----._____/------.    /
   ________   `-cDr-._____/                    +-e^d--._____/   ________
 ._\_____ /.____________________________________________________\_     /__
 |      \/ |  \   _/___    _ /_____   /____  \_   \  _/_______  _/   _/   \
 `-------:-' \ \     /     \/   _/___/_  _/  _/  \ \    /    `-   \-.______\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Gravedancer - Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot              || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                                        _:__ _   _
                                         |       /
        __________         __________    |      /
      ._\_ ______/_________\_  __  _/____|_    /_________
      |     \_    \_____    /  \_    \   |    /_____    /
      +-cDr-.______\  _/  _/----l_____\  !   /   _/____/_
                 +----/_____\          \    /---._______/
                         _     _ __:_   \  /
                         \         |     \/
           ________       \        |________              __________
       .___\__    /________\       | ______/______________\____    /
       |     /   / __  _/   \      |  \      \______    /    _/  _/
       +--._____/  \_    \_\ \     |--._______\  _/____/_-e^d/_____\
              - ----l_____\ \ \    |        +---._______/
                             \     |

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || HC Anderssons raveclubz - Ghandy/Progress^Gods       || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

      .--------- -_____\_     _|        |   __________/______- -------.
      |           \           \.        |    \              /         |
   ___|____        \-cDr/e^d---l________|----._____________/         _|___
 ._\____ _/_______________________________________________________ _/ ___/
 |     `-  \   \  _/______  \_____   /___ \_ ____/______ \_  \  _/_`---.  \
 `----:\____\ \ \    /   /   / _/___/_ _/ _/---.  \  \/   / \ \    /--:____\
      |   +----\____/--.____/--._____/-\____\-.____\-.___/---\____/   |
      |                                                               |
      |      ___   ____        ____   ___  |         |___  ___        |
      |     |   ' (___(_ \__/ (___/_ (____ l__ (___) l___)   (___     |
      |                                                               |

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Intel outside - Hysteric/Ramjam                      || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                                      _ _
              __________\_   \   _/_________ / _____/_______
            ._\______ /.    \ \     /      \/ ____/   /    /__.
            |       \/ |-----\_____/--------\------:-/   _/   |
            `-cDr------'                           `------e^d-'
      ________          -÷- i s s u e  n r : 0 0  -÷-       _________
    ._\______ \___.____    _                       _________\_ _____/__
    |     \/   /  |  _/_____\______________________\_____  \_ ____/   /
    `----.____/   !    \_______ / _____/________ /.     /   /--------/
             `-------:--\     \/-----.  \      \/ |--------/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Mass appeal - Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky   || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

             _____  _______\_______  _/  _______/____________
          ___\_   \/    _/        `-   \-------.    / ______/____
          \       \/      \-------\_____\----._____/-------.    /
           \-cDr--/________\                     +-e^d--.______/
      ___________                                         _________
   ___\______  _/_________________________________________\_      /____
   \        `-   \______     /___     /____     /_______  _/    _/     \
    \-------\_____\   /_____/  /_____/  _/_____/_      `-   \--.________\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Menu - Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky          || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                    ____.                            ________
            _____  /    | ____________ ______________\     _/
          ._\_   \/     |_\_____     /_\_____   \_    \      \
          |      \/     |    _/_____/_     /     /     \      \_
          l______/      |____________/____/     /______________/
          cDr/ed/_______!                /_____/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Muff busters desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods            || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

.--___  /\___.________________- -----------.
:._\_ \/  \  | _/  _____/____/b U S T E R s:
:|    \/   \ !   \ ___/ ___/               :
+`cDr-/_____\_____\_\____\- -----------e^d-'

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Mystery land 1 - Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky|| |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

             _______.              _ _
             \     _|___._____________\______________________   ._______
       ____  /\    \    | _____/_________ / _____/______    /___|_     /
     __\_  \/  \_____,  |-----.  \      \/ ____/   /  _/  _/     /    /
     \     \/   \_______|----.____\------\---.____/---\_____\_____,  /
      \----/_____\cDr/ed                                  \_________/
                 ________                          ___________
               __\_     /__________________________\_____    /
               \      _/   \_______  _/     \   _/__    /   /
                \----.______\     `-   \   \ \     /--.____/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Mystery land 2 - Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky|| |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

              .______                                       _ _____
           ___|    _/______   _____|-----|______  __________     _/______
  ______  /   |    \      /___\_____     ______/._\____    /     \      /
  \     \/    |______,  _/  ____/__|__  _|______|___ _/  _/________,  _/
   \____\/    |___________\______  : / .\_____  !__/_\        /_________\
        /_____|cDr    e^d\_________:/__|_|  /_____/_  \      /
                   _______             !___________/   \    /
      ._______    /       \                 __________  \  /
      |      /___/        _\___ ._____  .___\___     /   \/
      |    _/   /\______._\_\  \|   _/__|_     /    /
      `----.______\     !_____\ \        /_________/
                               \ \      /
                                \      /
                                 \    /
                                  \  /

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Nah kolor 1 - Qba/Trsi                               || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

             /  \  ____   ___________                    :
            /    \|  _/_._\_  __   _/- ------------------÷- -
          _/    \ \     |  /  ./     \____.____          |
          \______\ \    `-/---l_______\  _|  _/___       |
              cDr|\ \    / __       /    \.      /       |
                 | \    / _\/_     /------l_____/        |
                 |  \  /  \/\/  _______                  | _________
                 |   \/        /       \            _____|_\_____   \_
                 |    ____. __/__     ._\_______   /     : \   _/   _/
                 |   |   _|/ /_ /_____:__\     /__/_     +--\--\______\
                 |   |   \.   _/      |      _/  /_ \________\e^d
                 |   `----l_____\     `-----.________\  _
                 |                                   _ | |
              - -÷--------------------------- --- - |_||_|

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Nah kolor 2 - Qba/Trsi                               || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                     ____________\______  _/_____._____
    :       __     ._\_   \   _/__     `-   \   _|   _/       __       :
 - -÷------_\/_-- -|     \ \     /-----\_____\  \.     \- ---_\/_------÷- -
    :  __  \/\/    `-cDr--\_____/          `-----l______\    \/\/  __  :
    : _\/_   _____. _____                             _________   _\/_ :
    : \/\/ ._\_  _|/    /_____________________________\_____   \_ \/\/ :
 - -÷---- -|     \.   _/________  \_     /_________  \_   _/   _/- ----÷- -
    :      `-e^d--l_____\    \/    /   _/   \   \/    /---\______\     :

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Neptune - Neptune/Outlaws                            || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                  _ _:_  /\_  n  E  P  T  U  N  e  _/\  _:_ _
                     : \/             _               \/ :
     ___________\_____    /____    /______ /   |  _/    \   _/___________
   ._\_  \   _/__  _/____/_  /____/      \/    !    \  \ \     /____    /
   |    \ \     /-._______/----+------e^d-\----._____\--\_____/  _/____/_
   +-cDr-\_____/     :                                   :  `---._______/
                     :  comes online to terrorise *YOU*  :
                  - -÷-----------------------------------÷- -
                     :                                   :

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Neutron 1 - Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot                || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                                     _ _
     ___________\_____    /   |  _/________ /____  \_______  \_________
   ._\_  \   _/__  _/____/_   !    \      \/   _/  _/   \/    /  \   _/__
   |    \ \     /-._______/---------\------\---\_____\--.____/  \ \     /
   +-cDr-\_____/                                           +-e^d-\_____/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Neutron 2 - Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot                || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                            _:__ _   _
                             |       /                 .___________
                ___________  |      /           _______|_    \   _/_____
         _____._\_____ _ _/__|     /_\______  ._\______  \_ \ \        /
       __\__  : \_ _/__\_/_  |    /    _   /__:__   \/    /--\ \      /
     _/    /  !__/______\_/  |   /     \__·___:__\_______/e^d \ ·    /
     \____/     /        \   !  /_ _____\   _/   _/            \    /
      cDr/-----/          \    /       +----/______\       _ _/\\  //\_ _
                           \  /                                 \\//

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Neutron desc. - Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot            || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

  __cDr\_ __/_ | _/_____ /__ \_____\e^d___
_/ \ _/  _/  / !   \   \/ _/ _/ \/  / \ _/
\  \\  \____/-------\---\-\____\---/  \\  \
 \--\___\ - n  E  U  T  R  O  n - /____\___\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Nine design - Hasslan/Nine design                    || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

               ._ __ _.
     /\        : _\/_ :
    /  \ ._____|_\/\/_|           ____________
  _/  \ \|     : /    |____  ___._\______    /
  \____\ \     :/     |    \|   : |   _/____/_
        \ \    !______|   \ \   +-|--._______/._ __ _.
         \    /cDr/ed!_____\ \    |           : _\/_ :________
          \  /    __________\_____|    _____  |_\/\/_| ______/_____  _____
           \/   ._\ ______  \_       _/ ___/__|___ : |  \_      /  \|     |
                |  \/    /___/_______\_______ :  / +-|--.______/  \ \     |
                +-----._._\_/____     /_______:_/    |       !_____\ \    |
                        |     _/_____/_       !______|              \_____|

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Obscene - Fatal/Obscene^Epsilon design^G-force       || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

     .---------->  o  B  S  C  E  N  e  ]----------- -_______- ------÷- -
     :  /\                              __________.___\___   \_______:__
    _:_/  \  _______                  ._\____    /|__   /     /____    /___
   / :    .\_\___ _/____        ______|__ _/____/ :_/__/     /  _/____/   /
  /__:____:_\   (__ ___/_____ ._\_ ___:_/__________/  /_____/____________/
  cDr:e^d !_______._\_/ ____/_|__  \       /                         :
     :            |  \______  :_/_________/ - -----------------------'
  - -÷--------- - l____________/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Oxygene desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

+-- -___ \_/ ----- ___  ____  ___  ____- --+
:   (___)/ \(___( (___|(___/_l   )(___/_   :
+-----------_ ___) -- l -----------cDr/e^d-+

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Pastagan design desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods         || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

_cDr\____ /  __/_____/___ / ___/____ /______
\___  / `- \--. \   \   `- \\_  \  `- \  _ed
  /__/--\___\____\---\--\___\____\-\___\ /
---+  -   d   e   s   i   g   n   -   +-/___

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Perception desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods              || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

.- -__  ___  __ __ ___  __ _|_  . __  __- -.
:  |__)(__/,l __) (__/,|__) l_ ( (__)l  )  :

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Private - Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky       || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                                       ._______          _ _
                 ______________________|      /_____________\____
     ____________\____    /______/_.   |     /_____  _/________ /_______
   ._\____     /    _/  _/         |   !    /     `-   \      \/ ______/__
   |    /_____/-----/_____\--------+--.____/------\_____\------\ ____/   /
   `-cDr---+    -  p  ÷  R  ÷  I  ÷  V  ÷  A  ÷  T  ÷  e  -  `-e^d-.____/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Procyon desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

 _____\____ \______\_ __/  | _/_____\______.
.\___ \_ _/ _/  \/  / \  \__, _/ \/  / \   |
|  /___/-\____\----/------\---'---:-/ \ \  |
`cDr+    p  r  e  s  e  n  t  s   +e^d-\___|

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Pump - Dave/Vacuum                                   || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                          _____._________  _____
                 _________\_   |   _/    \/   _/____________
               ._\____     /   !     \   \/     \_____   ed/
               |cDr /_____/___________\--/_______\  /_____/
               !_______|  p  ÷  u  ÷  m  ÷  p  !_______|

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Requests - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                      || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

      _______\____    /_____  \_  |  _/______    / ____/________ /_____
    ._\___  \_ _/____/_   \/   /  !    \  _/____/_----.   /    \/ ____/___
    |cDr_/  _/-.______/---\___\---._____\-.______/--.____/______\----. ed/
    +---\_____\   -  a l l   k i n d a   r e q u e s t s  -   +----.____/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Riot internal - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                           ____________________    _ _
                  _________\_______ /.______   \______\____
                ._\____   \_      \/ |    \/    /________ /
                |    _/   _/---------'----.____/        \/
   ________     `----\______\                 +------e^d-\     ________
 ._\_____ /._____________\_____________________________________\_     /__
 |      \/ |  \   _/________ /_____   /____  \_   \  _/_______ _/   _/   \
 `-cDr---:-' \ \     /     \/   _/___/_  _/  _/  \ \    /    `-  \-.______\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || S.a.g.k-a - Anti/Infect                              || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

    ________    _________    __________   _____. _____         _________
  ._\  ____/__._\_ ___   \_._\_ ______/_._\_  _|/    / ____  ._\_ ___   \_
  |  \_____cDr:ed   _/     :     \_     :     \.   _/  \___\ |     _/    |
  l___________!_____|______!____________!______|_____\       l_____|_____|

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Sanity - Trasher/Sanity^Artwork                      || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

 _ _:_  /\___ _       _______               ._ __ _.              _._ _
    : \/  _______    /       \_____         | _\/_ |      _    _ __|     ·
    :   _/  ____/___/       | \    \ .______|_\/\/_|      \        |     |
    : ._\ _______  /\_      ·  \  \ \|      |      |_______\_____  |     |
    : |  \/     / · _/_ ____|___\  \ \      |      |     _  \_ _/____    |
    : `-------._____/    cDr!_______\ \     |    · |     \     /    /    |
    :                                \      :---/--+      \___/---.______|
    `---> d e m o --.   ___  ___      \_____!eD/_ _________\
                    `- (___)l   ' --.
                                    `- d i e ! ------ -÷- ->  1  9  9  5 !

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Save our souls - Xcluziwe/Dzain                      || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                         _______________\       |
               __________\______  _/     \      |____________
             ._\   ___/_____   `-   \     \     |______     /
             |  \_______   /---\_____\----._____!   _/_____/_
             !____________/   ___         ___  +---.________/
           ________          (___) (___) l         _________
         ._\  ____/__________________._____________\   ____/_____
         |  \______    /______  \_   |   _/       /_\_______    /
         !____________/    \/    /   !     \    _/    \________/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Saviour desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

       ________|    /___________.___
  _____\__ _/  |   /__ /.____\_ | _/_____
_/ __/   `  \  |  /  \/ | \/  / !  .\___ \_
`---. \--\___\---/------'----/-----:  _/ _/
-cDr---\ -  s  A  V  I  O  U  r  - +ed\____\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Scoopex - Gangsta/Scoopex                            || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                                ^                                  ._____
  _______    ________   ______  : ______    ________ ________   ___|    /
._\  ___/__._\_ ____/_._\____ \_:_\____ \_._\___   /_\___   /_._\_ :  _/____
|  \____cDr:ed  \     |   \/    |   \/    |   /___/   _/___/  :    _       /
!__________!__________!_________!_________!_____|_____________!____\      /
                                :                                   \    /
                             - -÷- -                                 \  /
                                :                                     \/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Scx - Gangsta/Scoopex                                || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

  ________  _________ ____|cDr/ed/
._\  ____/__\_ _____/_\_  |     /_.
|  \______   /  \      /  _   _/  |
l___________/_________/___/       |
  - gENERATIONs aHEAd! - /________|

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Seenpoint support - Ghandy/Progress^Gods             || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

    ______\_____   /____   /  \  _/_____   /____ \_____ /.  \  _/____/\____
  _/ ___/___ _/___/_ _/___/_ \ \    / /___/  \/   /   \/ | \ \    /______ /
  `----.   /-._____/-._____/--\____/----+----.___/-------'--\____/      \/
 /---.____/                                                     +--------\
      ________     s E E N P O I N t    s U P P O R t !      _____/\_____
    _/ ______/______.________________________________________\_________ /
    `------.    /   |   _/______     /__     /_____  \______   \_     \/
   /-cDr--.____/    !     \   /_____/ /_____/   \/    /   _/   _/--e^d-\
             +-----._______\-----+- -----+------.____/----\______\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Shoot - Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot                    || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                   ____  |     |_____            _________
            _ .___/ __/__|__   |_  _/. ________._\______  \___\_______
         _ | ||  /______ : /   ./    |_\______ |\_   \/    /    _    /
        |_||_|l__________!/    |     |     \/  !_/________/     \___/
                         `-cDr-|     :__________/        _ ______\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Shoot desc. - Gravedancer/Neutron^Shoot              || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

.------- -____.---.______________    _- ---.
:   ______\_ _|   |_____ \______ \____\____:
: _/ ___/__  \.   |  \/   /  \/   /______ /:
:_\____   /---l___|--.___/--.____/      \/ :
:\_______/                      `--------\ :
+-cDr--------[ p r e s e n t s ]-------e^d-+

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Silicon desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

.----- -____ _____ ____ _____ _____- ------.
:cDr____\  /.\_  /_\  /.\ __/_\____\____e^d:
: _/___/ \/ |  _/  \\/ |  \  \  \/  / \   |:
: `---. \---'-._____\--'--.___\-.__/ \ \  |:
+/---.___\  - p r e s e n t s -  +----\___|+

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Sos - Xcluziwe/Dzain                                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                   ________     /       \    ________
          _ __ ____\  ____/____/         \___\  ____/____ __ _
              \\    \_____    /           \   \_____    //
               \\____________/             \___________//

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Sudden sex - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                    || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

  ______.__ ______________________
_/ __/  |  |___ \____ \____  / \_ \_- -----+
`---. \ !  |  /  /  /  /_/__/_  /  / s E x :

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Superiors - Webster/Passion                          || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

   _____:_   |  _/______   \_____   /___  \_____ /._____ \____  \_________
 _/ _____/   !    \   /_____/ _/___/_ _/  _/   \/ |  \/   / _/  _/  _____/
 `-----.  \--._____\----+----.______/-\_____\-----'--.___/--\_____\----.  \
/-cDr-.____\                                                    /-e^d-.____\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Superiors desc. - Webster/Passion                    || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

     .-- -___.__________- --.          - --.
     :____\_ | _/_____  \___:_             :
   _/ ___/   !   \  /____/___/__
   `---.  \-._____\---+  __/   /
  /--:_____\          `---.___/
  ___:  s u p e r i o r s  _:___
._\__ \___________________/ ___/
|  _/ _/___ /._____\____ \_---. \
`--\____\ \/ |  \/  / _/ _/-:____\
     :`------'-.___/--\____\:              :
     `-cDr--------------e^d-'          - --'

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Sysop - Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky         || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

            ______\_     |____________________________________
            \  ____/____ |    _/_ ____/________  \______     /
            _\______   /____, __/____    /  \/    /   /_____/
           /     _/   /________\________/________/_______|
          /_ _ ______/cDr/e^d

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Tesko desc. - Ghandy/Progress^Gods                   || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

.------- -___________________, ____- ------.
: ____/\__\_____   / ____/  _|/   /_____   :
: \ ______ / _/___/_---.  \ \.  _/_____ \_ :
:  \/    \/--._____/--.____\-l____\ \/   / :
+--/-cDr--\                     +---.___/ed+

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Thread - Webster/Passion                             || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

           _ _    _____.-----._____________________________
       _______\__:_   _|     |_____  \_ ______/________  _/__________
     ._\ ________ /   \.     |   _/  _/ ____/   /     `-   \_______  \_
     |  \/      \/-----l_____|---\_____\-------/------\_____\     /   /
     `-cDr-------\                                        +-e^d------/

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Thread desc. - Webster/Passion                       || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

.----- -____.______________________- ------.
: ___/\_\_ _|  |___ \_ ____/____ _/______  :
:.\ ____ / \.  | _/ _/ __/  /  `-  \____ \_:
:| \/  \/---l__|-\____\-.__/---\____\  /  /:
+`--cDr-\---[ p r e s e n t s ]---+ed.___/-+

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Undoubted fantasies - Xcluziwe/Dzain                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

   ___.__\_   \  _/______  \______ \_  |  _/___ _/_______ /____   /_______
 ._\_ |  _/  \ \    /   /   /  \/   /  !    \ (__  \    \/  _/___/______  \_
 |    !    \--\____/--.____/---.___/---._____\______\----\-.______/    /   /
 `----._____\                                                   +----.____/
   ________                                                         _____
 ._\_ ____/_________________/\_____________________________________/ ___/_
 |   ___/____ _/    \  _/_______ /_____ _/  ___/______ /._____   /`---.   \
 `----:     `-  \  \ \    /    \/     `-  \---.  \   \/ |  _/___/_---._____\

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Vacuum - Dave/Vacuum                                 || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

    _____\    _/__________________________._________.__________  _______
    \     \     \_______  _/  ______/___  |   _/    |   _/     \/      /
     \     \     \     `-   \  \       /  !     \   !     \    \/     /

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || Vcm - Dave/Vacuum                                    || |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

 .___                          ___.
 |cDr\______________________  /e^d|
 |    \    _/  _______/___  \/    |
 |     \     \  \        /  \/    |

   .______.    _  ______________________________________________________  _
 __|__..__|__ | ||                                                      || |
  \__°!!°__/  | || World of elite - Fate/Outlaws^Overlords^Scoopex^Kinky|| |
     ||||     |_||______________________________________________________||_|

                   ________        ________
               ____\     _/____  ._\____   \__ ______        _________
             ._\_   \      ___/__|_   _/   _/       /____.___\__     /
             |      /\    /  /   +-\--/______\    _/     :     /    /
             `-cDr---\___/__/       \  ___  ___ _ _______!_________/
        _____________   /__ _ _______\(___)l--           ______________
      ._\______     /_______     ___________   _____/\___\_______     /
      |     _/_____/_      /___._\         /_._\ ________ /   _/_____/_
      `----.________/    _/    :  \_______/  |  \/      \/---.________/

                       -  s M A L L  c R E D I T z  -

               |o| Main ascii's........Crusader/Otl/Gts/e^d |o|
               |o| Guest performance...Nup/Pro^arts         |o|

                              -  g R E E T I N G s -


                       -  a S C I I  r E S P E C T s  -


      + Maximum respects to these group, who make ascii worth looking at!

              A r t c o r e  -÷-  D e z i g n  -÷-  P r o ^ a r t s

                       U p p e r c l a s s  -÷- A r c l i t e

                      i · M · P · O · R · T · A · N · t · !

     fUCk¡N NAZ¡S !             __aµæææÑÑÑÑææmµ___
    f¡GHt AGA¡NSt         aæØØØØØ@°"¯ __    ¯¬"¶M#ØØØØm_
    FASC¡SM.           _æØØØØ@"     _ÆØØm_        ¬°ÑØØØÑw_
                      µØØØ#°      _æØØØØØØp          ¬¶#ØØÑw
                     ÆØØØ"      _ÆØØØØØØ#"       _æ#_   ¶ØØØm
                   _ÆØØ@      ,dØØØØØØ#"       _ÆØØØP_æØØØØØØÑ_
                   ØØØF        ¶ØØØØØ#_      _ÆØÑ°aæØØØØØØØ#ØØ&
                  ÆØØ@          °#ØØØØ#w   _ø@5µÆØØØØØØѶ_ ¬#ØØK
                 JØØØ             ¶ØØØØØÑw¤ÇµÆØØØØØØ@5æÆØ#w ¬ØØØ
                 áØØ#     _        ¬¶Ø#¶5æØØØØØØØP"  ¶ØØØØØÑ #ØØL
                 ØØØF  _aÆØm_       _µæØØØØØØÑ°¯      ¬ÑØØP  0ØØQ
                 ØØØL  #ØØØØÑ_   _µÆØØØØØØ@5æÆÑ_        °    ÆØØ#
                 ÆØØE   ¶ØØØ#M_µØØØØØØØP" ÆØØØØØm_           ØØØF
                 JØØ#    ¬®µæØØØØØØѶ®æ"   ¬#ØØØØØm_        JØØØÞ
                  0ØØK _µÆØØØØØØ@®µÆ#"       °ØØØØØØm       ÆØØ#
                  ¬#ØØÆØØØØØØM5æØØ#"        µØØØØØØØ"      æØØØ
                   ¬ØØØØØÑ°¯  °##"        µÆØØØØØØP       dØØØ´
                    ¬#ØØb_     ¬        _ØØØØØØØP       _ØØØ#
                      ¶ØØØm_          aÆØØØØØØK       _ÆØØØP
                       ¬ÑØØØæµ_       ¬#ØØØØP¯     _µÆØØØ@´
 fR¡ENDSh¡P RUlEZ...     ¬¶#ØØØÑm___    °#°   __µæØØØØØP"
   WORlDW¡DE !!             "¶ÑØØØØØØMÑææææÑÆØØØØØØØP"
                                "°¶#ÑØØØØØØØØØ#@°"   [?]

                ___________      _ ___/\____           _ ___/\____
   .--- -_______\_______ __\______________ / .__________________ /
   :   ._\_ _____/_.  \/ \_ /    \_   ___\/__|   _____/_.      \/
   :   |     \     :--._/__/ /    /-.-\_____  \_  \     :-------\
   :   `-cDr-._____:   /____/    /  |      `-  |-.______:
   l____________ _____ __  _ ___/   `-e^d--\___|            i · n · f · o

  I dont have any modem, but still im reachable at the boards, that's via
  my friend who is a trader! So if youre in need of ascii's, you can leave
  a messy through him and he will forward the messy to me! Simple right..!
  His handle is Cyco's, he can be found on the majorboards!

                  yOu cAn rEACh cYCO's aT tHESe bOARDs:

                 aSYLUM ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [2nDz]
                eASTBBS ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [3nDz]
               dARKROOM ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [2nDz]
             uNDERCOVER ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [2nDz]
            iNTERCHANGE ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [3nDz]
          pROPHETs hOLd ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [4nDz]
         iNFINITE pOWER ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [5nDz]

  And for those unfortunate ones, who dont have any modem(like me!), heres
  my adress so you can write to me and request ascii's! Im also intrested
  in getting in contact with other asciiartist via mail, since i have no
  modem to call with..! Also Pure Elite traders can contact me for some
  quality swapping!

                       Crusader/Outlaws^Giants^Epsilon design
                                    Janne Kotta
                                   Arbygatan  1A
                                 633 45 Eskilstuna

                                                     : cHROMBACHEr      :
            ___/\___                                 : cRUSADEr         :
           _\______/_       - ---- ------------.___ _: dESOTo           :
         _/____..____\_                              : fATAl            :
         \ \  o||o  / /       e  P  S  I  L  O  n    : fRAMe            :
       ___\_\_/..\_/_/___                            : hARPOOn          :
     _/        `'        \_     d  E  S  I  G  n     : jUAn             :
     \ \________________/ / - ---- -------------.__ _: sANDMAn          :
      \__________________/                           : sTASh            :
                                                     : tERMINAl sILENCe :
        hARDHITTINg  ÷  hONESt  ÷  aSCII  ÷  sTYLe   : tWISTEr          :
                                                     : sANCTUARy - wHq  :
            -     1     9     9     5      -         :    aSYLUm - sHq  :
                                                     : Flashback - sHq  :

i'll be back!
